23W Members Spotlight: LARISSA O'HERN
By Dee
Introducing our 8 week Summer Reboot Challenge Runner Up, Larissa O’Hern!
Larissa came to 23W as a new mum, wanting to feel like herself in her own body and to ease into exercising post-partum safely. As a beginner when it comes to weight training, she took this challenge by storm, and through focusing on her mindset and her daily habits, she achieved these amazing results:
- 5.5kg of Body Fat Mass dropped
- 1.2kg of Muscle Mass gained
- 5.2% Body Fat Percentage drop
Continue reading to hear about Larissa’s Challenge journey and how she got these results!

How long have you been working with 23W?
8 weeks
What got you started on this journey?
I wanted to reclaim my pre-baby-bod and feel better in myself. Also, the convenience and community feel of the MOM classes really got me in!
What was your initial goal?
To look better- I was hoping to lose at least 5kg.
What was your biggest challenge at the start?
The biggest challenge was when I started to workout I had to accept that I wasn’t where I was fitness-wise prior to having my baby and I did not like that at all.
What result did you achieve?
I lost 5.5g of fat and gained 1.2kg in muscle! And I feel the fittest and strongest I have in a long time.
How have you changed?
The challenge taught me to not focus on the immediate numbers in front of me for the duration of the challenge- it taught me to focus on sustainable lifestyle habits that I can implement daily to feel better mentally and so that I can see long-term results physically.
I.e love going to the gym and the structure it gives my days, no snacking after dinner and getting to bed before 10pm.
What was your biggest challenge going through the process?
The slip-ups. Getting upset and feeling like I had failed if I ate an extra snack or if I missed a class. I’m learning to give myself a break and jump back on the horse.
What were your biggest learnings?
Small habit changes daily can make a HUGE difference. I think Ange wrote in one of her emails that the 8 weeks is an arbitrary number and that we should keep going with the habits and small changes we’ve made to be happier and healthier. That really hit home with me.
How would you describe your journey?
Well worth it- sometimes very difficult but at the end of every class I feel so happy. And to be in the top 3, I’m so thrilled to see that my hard work has paid off.
What was it like working with the 23W and the other girls in the community?
Love love love 23W. I always feel so welcomed- someone always says hello, whether it’s a coach or another lovely gymgoer. All the coaches know my name and ask after my son Stanley which makes such a difference.
I love that even in a group setting I still feel like the classes are tailored to each woman and never feel silly asking questions. The coaches are so knowledgeable and correct my technique which makes me feel safer when working out.
What’s next for you?
I’m going to keep going to the gym and keep up all the habits that were focused on in this 8 week challenge.
Is there anything that you really want to say?
I still can’t believe the results – I’m so thrilled that I actually followed through with something that I set out to do and with the help from all the coaches, and the friendly and supportive 23w community I actually lost weight!