In opening a group personal training studio, there is one thing that I will never offer… A free 7 day trial.
That’s not because I don’t think they are not a good marketing tool and a way to get clients in the door….. They are exceptional for this purpose..
We don’t offer a 7-day trial because we don’t want to force new clients to financially buy in without knowing what they are truely getting themselves in for.
Nine times out of ten, most clients who enquire about 23W are drawn to us for the very reasons that make us stand out. They tell me all the reasons why they want to join us instead.
Very early in my coaching career I learnt one important lesson. There is a big difference between training and exercise and unfortunately, generally, those who hop from one free or low budget trial pass to another often confuse these two terms.
Secondly, out of respect for our current community we want to avoid the trap of having too many new faces in and out of the studio on high rotation. When we have a new clients start with us, we would much prefer to keep them and add look for ways to add value in their life.
Let’s also get real. It also takes time to really find your feet in any new training regime, on a 7-day trial how much can you realistically expect to learn and grow?
Training involves practise and progressive overload, and is the more important concept when looking for a long-term approach to health, fitness and lifestyle. where ongoing education and training efficiency become paramount.
You might have had the time and energy to slog out hours of exercise in your 20’s but how much time realistically can you devote to your health and fitness goals? We are not just talking about time in the gym either, pre-planning meals and following your plan, needs time allocated too.
Do not get me wrong, I am not aiming to bring down low budget, minimal equipment exercise regimes. Even I get excited by the idea of a quick set of burpees, squat jumps and high intensity intervals, but I know that with all that movement, in general leads to little in the way of getting stronger, leaner and long term results.
I am saddened when I hear girls tell me that they used to train twice per day or 6-7 days per week. (Although I remember that this used to be my story too.)
Or that they waisted time doing 30 minutes on the treadmill each day.
Or that they got results from eating next to nothing, only to regain the weight again once they returned back to a normal social life and being more flexible with their diet.
A successful training program should not put you in conflict with yourself.
Your body is not something to be bought ‘under control’, nor should you feel exhausted in your daily life from restricted eating and a taxing training regime.
We love being able to teach all new 23W members the fundamentals of lifting weights.
We love teaching our community the importance of self compassion, work ethic and patients.
We love that we are a women’s only strength and conditioning community where every women in encouraged and supported to be her best self.
There are four main entry points into our community:
- 28 Day Intro Challenge- $149 per month. This packages offers the best value. Allowing you to train unlimited in our group classes. You will have access to our proven 28 day reset protocol, members only FB page, seminars and our introductory learn to lift seminar (held the weekend prior).
- MOM- $110 per month.Our mums on the move program is designed for mums who are wanting to train Monday – Friday between 9:30 and 11:30am.
- Online- $39 per week.Being an online member, allows you to access expert coaching and programming while allowing you to train remotely. All online members are supported via a weekly check-in, open gym session times and the opportunity to come into the studio for workshop and events.
- One to One– Limited space is available to access our coaches one to one. In this program you have the option to train with your coach once or twice a week, while having access to one group personal training session per week.
Next 28 Day challenge- Starting 4th March
We have 5 place available in our March 28 Day Intro Challenge. Enrolments will close on Thursday 28th February. Enrol now via our website- Join 23W
Are you ready to join us?
Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.
Can’t decide which of our packages is best suited for you? Take our questionnaire to help you decide!