The Rise of Online Workouts
Online workouts are awesome! Quick, convenient, 24 hour access and all from the comfort of your own home… what is not to love?
Training at home is not without some draws backs however. Aside from issues in finding motivation or time away from your ‘home schooled’ children, injuries, stability or mobility issues or movement dysfunction may make some exercises unsuitable.Â
In this blog we unpack a range of joints in the human body that can be problematic during training. Â We will be offering up great substitute exercises that can be used whenever an unsuitable exercise is given during live streams or recorded workouts. The exercises are listed to give you alternates that work the same muscles, however it is important that if you ever feel pain or discomfort you stop and make suitable adjustments!
Everyone’s body is different! If you are experiencing issues with a particular movement pattern it is important that you see an appropriate healthcare professional to have the issue accurately diagnosed and treated. We always promote investing time in your wellbeing with a proper diagnosis and treatment of injuries or movement issues- this is the best way to ensure the fastest road to a full recovery.
Disclaimer: Not all exercises listed will be suitable for all of you. Assess what positions or movements work best and choose accordingly.Â
The following exercises are lower body substitutes that take the strain off your knees and promote working through your lower body without experiencing knee pain.
The following exercises are useful substitutes for if you experience hip tightening or overworking, issues with glute activation that cause your hips to overwork, pain through your hip joints or issues with accessing a full range of movement.Â
The following substitutes should be used if you experience pain or insufficient range of movement when performing overhead exercises and to take pressure off the shoulder joint whilst still being able to work your upper body effectively.
The following exercises should be substituted for ones that cause irritation, over working of neck muscles, pain and aching down into your traps or any other discomfort from holding your head stiff or still.Â
The following exercises should be used to take the strain off your lower back while promoting effective engagement through core and glutes to help prevent or rehab issues with tightness and overuse.
The following exercises are substitutes for when you experience pain, irritation or inflammation through your wrists and forearms and are unable to bear load through them without experiencing pain.
The following exercises are good to substitute in when you are experiencing issues with grip strength, forearm pain or ailments like carpal tunnel or arthritis in fingers and hands. Practice racking DBs and KBs onto your shoulders so you only need to have a supportive hand on them and not need to hold the entire weight.Â
Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.
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