Are you looking for some inspiring fitness gifts for loved ones? We are offering several amazing fitness packages that could be just what you are looking for.
1. One on One Muay Thai Personal Training with Somsurat Rangkla
There is simply nothing better than being about to spend one to one time with a boxing/ Muay Thai coach to further develop your skills. We have single session available for $50 or 5 pass pack for $220. All sessions are 30 minutes.
2. 5 x Group Casual Pass at 23W– $99
This pass is perfect for someone looking for casual training, specifically boxing, pilates, HIIT and yoga! Simply book in and turn up!
3. MOM Intro Month Pass– $119
This pas give you access to our Mums on the Move Pass, which gives you access to Monday to Friday classes from 8:30am- 1pm. We have a shared care nanny that is on hand during these classes to help look after your little ones, helping you to get on with your workout!
4. W Squad 28 Day Pass– $149
This pass is our open W squad intro pass and give you access to EVERYTHING we have to offer; our 28 day nutrition reset, measurements, weekly check-ins and of course 28 days of unlimited group training.
5. 23W Fabric Booty Band- $10
No home workout is complete without your own non-slip fabric booty band. Christmas is the perfect time to mix up your workouts with sprints, body weight exercises and lots of booty band work!
6. One to One Personal Training- Starting from $65
Would you like to work with one of our coaches to make 2020 your fittest year yet? Working with a PT can be help you set realistic, achievable health and fitness goals, while helping you to forge a proven path to get your there. Simple email us at hello@23w.com.au for more info.
Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.
Can’t decide which of our packages is best suited for you? Take our questionnaire to help you decide!